Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Shower Update

I thought that you would like to see the decorations for the baby shower. These flowers I had originally made for our oldest son's wedding party that we had for him and his lovely Swiss wife Sabine (pronounced Sah-BEE-nay). They came over a few days after the wedding and wanted a big party as soon as they were here so that they could get it all of that over with and then just relax. I had put so time in making them out of crepe paper I couldn't throw them out.

This small round table was in the centre of the room. You can see one of the guest tables with two of the arrangements on it and the gift table in the back.

This is a close-up of the vintage felt stork and a baby crib vase filled with pastel candy marshmallow peanuts. The candy colours were perfect and the taste less than perfect. Think sugary marshmallow with artificial flavourings. Once you tasted one though they were a little addictive. People remembered having them as kids.

These vases were on the head table. I used the candies as recyclable confetti on the tables. Any that weren't eaten were tossed. A little greener than plastic confetti.

This is the gift table before any gifts were on it.

Here is a close-up. That is a token gift from my wife and I because the main gift (with many more to come) had not arrived yet. I used the green bucket to make the table look asthetically pleasing without gifts and later to hold gifts that were a little unstable standing up.

The gifts are starting to arrive.

A cake from the Dutch Bakery. It was very sweet, not to my taste, but it did look wonderful.

I had finished an hour early so I went for a walk and came across a garage sale. Two little old ladies had all kinds of stuff. Most of it was common garage sale stuff. I bought this Art Nouveau bisquit jar for $2.00! It has a silver lid and handle. When I got home I immediately put it the mantel.

This 15" oval platter was 50 cents. Amazing prices and an amazing day. I also had a birthday party to go to in the evening. Bed looked great that night.

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