Several years ago I purchased a wire vase shaped form that originally had lily rush woven into it. It was a decor item that had been damaged and I got it for next to nothing. I had a lot of vintage and antique beads on hand so I decided to make a lampshade to go over the dining room table. All of the beads are strung on copper wire - I also have a lot of that on hand as well! The beads were strung on the wire about 5 or 6 inches at a time and then I wrapped the wire around each vertical wire on the frame travelling around the circumference of the form. It took a while but it is so worth it. The amount of light coming from the shade is less than before - I have to eventually bring in other light sources - but the shadows that are cast on the walls, table, and ceiling are so interesting I don't mind.
One night as I was going to bed I noticed the light being cast on the table display was very interesting so I grabbed the camera and took about 15 or 20 pictures from different angles. I had no idea as to what I was doing but I didn't care I just had fun. Over about a month or so I did new arrangements and took pictures at night. I like the darkness and mystery of the pictures.
There is a pool of light cast onto the table that highlights what ever is directly below the lamp shade.
This set of pictures are of a patty pan squash, a dahlia and geranium in a milk glass vase and some African trade beads on a lily rush mat.
I like texture, no in all truthfulness I love texture.
This last picture was taken in the late afternoon. The autumn light is so interesting.
I have more table top pictures that I will post at a later date.
I am nearing completion date on all of the items that are in the studio. Very soon you will start hearing from us, yes I said us, about the online sale. Three artists, one wonderful sale and that is all that I am saying for now. There are some terrific items that will be available for you to add to your collections.
Thanks for dropping by, Len! You have an adorable assortment of goodies on your blog!
Yes...I do LOVE detail! I think it's because I grew up on antiques...a definite great teacher!
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