Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Love Easter And I Love Chocolate part 3

Bernard Callebaut Chocolates is the last chocolate shop that I photographed. The presentation is modern no nonsense merchandising. We have chocolate for you to buy. Can you tell that I am a romantic. I like to see merchandise presented beautifully. Outside of the "here it is for you to buy", it looks like the chocolates are a decorative accent to the modern interior. Enough ranting. They make fabulous chocolate.

White chocolate figures to munch on. White chocolate has no cocoa mass in it it is just cocoa butter so it really isn't chocolate. But if you like it who cares.

Chocolate bunnies with beautiful bows.

After eating your choccy you have a toy to play with.

The counter display. Forget a chocolate bunny, fill an Easter mug heaped to overflowing with your favourite chocolates.

One very big bunny for the person with no shame and a very greedy sweet tooth.

The Easter display at Chapters.

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